Prototyping is a way to find out whether your design does as you desire. You'll want to find out at an early a stage as possible whether there are any glitches - any unexpected problems, before taking your design one iteration further, or before launching into full-scale production, with all the costs and other investments that production entails.
The companies listed below, with their specialist 3D printing technologies, may well be able to make the bespoke components you need in order for you progress your testing, and thus help you to decide whether it's go ahead, or back to the drawing board. Give them a call.
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Uk Prototyping Companies:
Laser Prototypes - Rapid Prototyping We offer Stereolithography (SLA), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Vacuum Casting, CNC, RIM as well as full model finishing and painting services. All done with the best customer service and advice available. |
3Trpd 3T rapid product development rapid prototyping rapid tooling laser technology based at New Greenham Park Newbury Berkshire UK United Kingdom. |

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